I knew there had to be a catch somewhere. My brain kept going back to the fen-phen craze years ago.

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Why do people always seek drugs for obesity ? Why not change their habits of healthy diet ?

There is no drug that has no side effects . My nephew who had acid reflux , digestive issues, diabetes, obesity, sleep issues has improved

Substantially since he has been following yoga teacher. He doesn’t have to travel to India either for a good teacher .

He pays monthly fee and connects on zoom . Fees ? £8 a month !!

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If they could, they would. Why was bariatric surgery one of the most common general surgical operations? Because the benefits are greater than the risks of obesity.

Chill out. It is a miracle drug that has helped more than it has hurt.

Pfizer slaps this warning about loss of vision, and the risk goes way down.

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Usually a risk benefit analysis is done on the procedure or other treatment itself. That is the risks versus the benefits of bariatric surgery are analyzed.

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Our culture has an obsession with the latest thing, the latest quick fit to 'solve a problem," with no thought to what the downside might be. First time I've seen anything about risk of blindness as side effect from taking ED prescription drugs. A reminder that a story can be printed in the news, but I might not see it (too busy with work, doesn't get picked up in local news market etc.) Thanks Sheryl for reposting your 2005 article, and about the adverse events associated with Ozempic and Wegovy.

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Pluses and minuses to ANY drug.

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Rather than injecting yourself with drugs, consider deleting rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, and plain sugar. I.e., Restrict your carbs. No side effects and similar outcomes. Plus, reverse a bunch of syndromes and actual diseases. Complete win.

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Keto works. Carnivore, for those willing to take that leap, may be even better. But at least keto.

I went keto five years ago for generally health reasons, not to lose weight. I lost about 20 pounds without trying (195 to 175). Win win.

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Big pharma strikes again.

1) Jack up the NEW drug price out of the gate. Something expensive is so much more appealing.

2) Get the government involved from the start. I understand that in most cases Medicaid is covering the GLP-1 drug. So smart of them to encourage taxpayers to cover it. After all, there are a multitude of maladies that occur when one can’t control their eating.

3) Entice the doctors with fabulous results, which will thrill their patients & increase their practice. Patients will be tied to their Ozempic provider for regular check ups since they must see the doc in order to get refills.

Spread the word with the help of the media & the government & POOF!!! You’re a billionaire AGAIN!!!

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Nice article, Sharyl. Thanks for bringing NAION to the Substack readers' attention!

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That’s really scary

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Thank you Sharyl for once again alerting the public to the dangers of drugs. You are providing a vital service.

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Food in the lungs during surgery? Horrible side effect.

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Money keeps them from appreciating how complex a system the body is and how parsimonious. It is unlikely that a substance produced by it will only have a single effect on an isolated kind of cell and nothing else. I am a layman and that has been obvious to me for some time. It is hard to believe they have so little appreciation of it and so little humility about the extent of their knowledge

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Sharyl, I love your reporting but it would be helpful to know the risk factor of this NAION vs. the general population. I mean if the general population’s risk is .01 percent, then doubling it is still not a barrier for most to decide not to take the medication that can be truly life changing. Imagine finally being able to shed excess weight, potentially reducing the need to take other meds to control diabetes, high blood pressure and reducing weight on joints. Also, it would be nice to have access to the data and studies. Why wouldn’t you provide those links?

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I am familiar with all this to a much greater extent than you and have heard all the arguments from both sides which are both wrong because they don't seek truth

She is not a science reporter and lacks science background and aptitude. She is enthralled with Fraud Scammer Con Dipshit Mental tal Case RFKjr and has not done her homework on him or she would have pointed out what I and others have.

She has huge blinders here.

Common among people who grew up stupidly revering the scummy Kennedy family because of Jackie PR (Jackie and her sister were also mental cases).

Yes, there was some decline in disease incidents before vaccines from improved sanitation but the vaccines clearly work the data is indisputable and anti all Vaxers are a variation of flat earthers.

There is no argument you have I haven't seen countless times before and disemboweled.

See my posts here about RFKjr especially one with many links.

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The longer the drug is sold without side effects identified, the bigger the class action settlement that will result

You ignored this with faulty logic that delay in identifying benefits the drug company

You have done a lot.od good work but your affinity for anti Vaxers has degraded your critical thinking skills and objectivity.

TXIconoclast has warned all to ignore new drugs unless there is a clear large risk return benefit over other alternatives understanding many risks are unknown

Trials can't catch everything

TXI has always said the drug in the marketplace is the real trial and it can take 10-20 years to truly understand risk return of the drug.

Also, once parent protection is about to expire... drug companies will be shrinking on that product and that gives them even less incentive to push a drug with potential risk

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Corrupt Big Pharma often sees legal fines that stem from successful lawsuits which are sometimes in the billions of dollars, as the cost of doing business. They often still rake in a profit. Sometimes there is never a class action lawsuit. I don’t see the “faulty logic” in Sharyl’s statement.

Also thank God that she has been willing to report on the potential harms that vaccines cause. She has raised awareness and her courage is admirable. In the 1980s Big Pharma threatened to stop making vaccines altogether because of revenue lost due to personal injury cases. At that time Congress passed a bill supported by President Ronald Reagan which named the federal government as the legally responsible party for vaccine injuries. That legislation was a grave mistake. Vaccines were described at that time as being “ unavoidably unsafe”. Vaccines were regarded as an essential tool for public health despite the steep decline in the incidence of vaccine preventable illnesses BEFORE widespread childhood vaccinations were implemented. The “safe and effective “ slogan is simply propaganda.

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