Wow, I’ve always been a fan of Sharyl’s professionalism and research, but this article blew me away in the hard work she did and how articulate it was in making a convincing argument that the 2020 election was indeed stolen… or should have been put on hold until all of the MASSIVE fraud had been investigated and addressed. Bill Barr and weak Republicans are the spineless and corrupt scum people think that they are.

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Finally! Thank you for the first clear-eyed fact ridden summary of this situation.

I read it whilst wondering if I should vote early or trust my local voting place in which last year a poll working used her finger to show me who I should vote for while explaining to me how to vote (as if I hadn’t before).

It doesn’t feel like it’s honest anymore. Your piece here made it look like some people tried

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I had the same feeling about Barr’s statement? There were no mention of specific instances of any investigations and the AP didn’t ask that obvious follow up question. Barr just dismissed the topic with a wave of his hand. Moreover the dismissals by all the other courts smacked of ‘legal ease’ as no judge had the appetite to pursue true justice. No one in a position of power was going to do anything to help Trump.

You are so accurate with the near impossibility to investigate due to the ‘timing’ to count and certify the results.

All the more reason to improve the security of the vote process itself.

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Trojan horse Barr

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Again, an important story that media ignores.

Thank God there are a few journalists like Sharyl

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So angry. Unbelievable what the liberals have done to our voting system. Slowly but surely, or as Rush Limbaugh called it, incrementalism, they have done so much damage to our country. I’ve worked elections in my county many times over the years. I’ve counted and tallied hundreds of paper ballots, strung them on string, tied them and literally sealed them with red sealing wax using a candle, before putting them in the large metal ballot box that was locked, sealed then sent to the court house for safe keeping until election results were certified. It was a simple, but fairly straightforward process. Yes, people cheated, like 1960, when a few Chicago precincts found enough votes to defeat Richard Nixon. Even then the Republicans were more frightened to stand up to the Democrats than stand up for their Guy. At least that’s what I was always told. So in my mind Bill Barr, a big coward, was too scared to stand up to the devils and witches in charge than to stand with Trump. Status quo… walk the line… toe the mark… stay in formation… or you’ll lose your invitation to the cocktail parties and the correspondent’s farce. Not to mention the mega millions. But, hey I’m just an old grandma from flyover country, so what could I possibly know? I pray day and night that DJT has another chance to kick a$$, clean house, drain the swamp and MAGA.

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Outstanding synopsis Sharyl! It's amazing how they make it verboten to even bring up election interference in 2020. Like they label you a climate denier if you even say the climate is cyclical AND that humans are adversely affecting the climate--both things can be true. Whenever someone says "conspiracy theory" it means potential and most likely accurate theory. Lastly, take a look at this...https://x.com/emmagcawood/status/1850522383863390392. I think this time it will be too big to rig but still! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Great, but depressing, rundown. I'll be working the polls and dread those with a chip on their shoulder, no matter the party. I dread the results, too, no matter the winner.

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Remember when we used to laugh at the notion of election being conducted in Russia. It was common knowledge (accepted) the process was pointless.

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The fact that we were never even allowed to discuss the issue, to raise any questions about it online tells us all we need to know.

And now they’re at it again, cheating in PA, AZ, VA, MI, GA.

Clearly, Democrats can’t win if they don’t cheat.

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Sharyl merely repeats what many have long suspected—that the 2020 “election” result was fraudulent.

Of concern is that it will likely happen again on Tuesday. Who’s to stop it? And if some sought to intervene, time and legal hurdles are against them (by design).

What, then?

A repeat of the 2020 scenario this week could result in unpredictable reactions from disaffected citizens. It is unlikely that perceived fraud would be passively accepted.

That should concern us all.

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This is the best breakdown I’ve ever read of the travesty that was the 2020 election. Thank you.

The left took the adage “never let a crisis go to waste,” and used it install a illegitimate regime with an addled figurehead.

While I hope the right has worked to counteract such actions in 2024, my faith in “free and fair” elections is near zero. Yes, I voted. Yes, I’m hopeful. But no, I’m not holding my breath for a victory over a leftist machine that prides itself on its ability to cheat, lie, and steal.

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I recall a court case where reps for Fulton County told a judge that signature verifications were not performed on over 100k mail-in ballots because it would take up to 4 minutes to verify each one. The judge was in such disbelief about the lack of signature verifications that he had them repeat it. The dems, along with RINOs, knew dominion and mail-in ballots were weak links and capitalized on them.

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I don't know where the major media went wrong but I'm pretty convinced their motives haven't been wholesome. There's lots of whores of different stripes left at CBS, NBC, ABC and all the rest. The traditional media have lost their bearing.

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Thank you very much for honesty and please keep doing GOD'S work!

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Brownstone has reported that archive.org has not been storing internet related happenings for the past 30 or so days??

To my mind, information is important but insight is critical. And great insights come from people with great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice; like Sharyl Attkisson.

Thank you for so many invaluable insights which help us all to do the right thing.

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Loved the way you weaved together the scattered incidences of questionable actions. You're trying to shine a spotlight on a problem that needs to be under a microscope.

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