The FBI has been a corrupt organization since its inception and the days of J. Edgar Hoover. Wray and the rest are simply carrying on the corrupt tradition.

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If Trump can't find a reason to fire Wray he is a fool.

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Clueless is right and wrong at the same time. Douche-Bag FBI Director Chris “The Hobbit” Wray feigns cluelessness when he needs to but his “shrapnel” comment was purposeful and deliberate…a not so subtle dog whistle for the Mainstream Media and Leftist BlueAnon conspiracy whackos to use however they want between now and the election: https://open.substack.com/pub/gregoryroman/p/chris-wrays-fbi-circle-jerk?r=lpguy&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Good piece. For some reason, every time Wray testifies I get the feeling that he is smirking at Congress because he knows that he can always claim he can't discuss anything during an investigation or some other reason so he doesn't have to respond. Of course the investigation goes on until people forget and the FBI continues on with no changes. This institution needs some major revamping. IMO.

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