wrong alex , you're analysis doesnt match up with FBI crime stats (but you know this as you are a subversive actor)

also, if you remove African americans from the statistics, US citizens have lower crime rate than most european countries

so what you are really trying to say is that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than african americans, which is still not true because 100% of illegal immigrants committed a crime by entering the country.

so if you are not going to count that as a crime then lets not count any american born citizen's property crimes or theft crimes

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We shouldn't trust any modern (post-2000) statistics on illegal immigrants coming from the left. Sanctuary Cities and states, along with the intentional obfuscation of data have made it nearly impossible to collect accurate statistics.

Let's start at the beginning...

If illegals made up 7% of the total population in 2014 that would mean there were about 20-24 million illegals at that time.

Despite these statistics, the left and deep-state government have claimed that the total number of illegals is around 11 million.

You can never get accurate data unless you first have an accurate total.

Anyways, I could care less if illegals DID commit less crime than Americans or if they are improving the economy. They're obviously not, but it doesn't matter. They shouldn't be here regardless and even one crime is too many. And none of this even touches on the cultural or national security issues involved.

If lllegal immigration and "diversity" were really so great we'd see it around the world, not just in the West. Diversity is just a code word for Balkanization and the mass redistribution of wealth to foreigners, NGOs and government employees.

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As a (rather psychotic level) libertarian, I am a proponent of what could be termed, "open borders." However, what we have now is not open borders but the importation of convicts. That's not the same thing, nor is it the natural result of providing for a speedy process for emigration. What we have now, is apparently, and unfortunately, a "dumping" of human garbage into the USA and the resultant outcomes one could easily predict from such a situation. (I realize I am oversimplifying. I look forward to correction!)

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No. Only a small percentage of nationwide prisoners are federal (about 10%). Most of the immigrants are in prison for immigration offenses and drug smuggling.

I explained it all here in detail years ago.


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She is talking about the percentage of illegals in federal, state, and local prisons. Not what percent of all prisoners are federal. Your comment is misleading at best. The report lists out the numbers by crime, which is not arguable. Did you even read her article or the GAO report??

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When I worked at the county detention center, a large percentage of the inmates were illegal. ICE came on a regular basis to collect them. I learned, however, that despite being picked up by ICE, they would often just get released back into the community. And some would even return. It appeared to me that those who were willing to illegally come to this country also seemed to believe that the laws in the country didn't apply to them. I guess I can see their logic. If the government is OK with them committing the crime of illegally entering the country, then they are probably going to be OK with them breaking other laws.

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worked out well at bucca and abu ghraib. pack em together so they can connect, plot, plan, and communicate

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Why would the government not update or repeat this analysis? Did the government update or repeat this analyses in the past?

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Governments, like people, don’t like airing their dirty laundry in public.

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An ever growing surveillance state, nonstop gaslighting by most media and nearly all politicians, multiple state and federal agencies who are increasingly hostile to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, an out of control Federal Reserve adding fuel to the inflation fire, a warmongering establishment and an ever increasing tax burden to support all this ... tell me again why we aren't at war, with what has become our own King George?

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