Yup and Joe tripled down on “ Bloodbath “ and “Dictator on Day One”. I heard both of those reference live. It was clear what Trump meant. One would think Democrats would take offense at being manipulated but evidently their TDS spares them any clarity.

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It wouldn’t matter if was DeSantis, Cruz, Haley, or any other opponent. They would use the same playbook, strategy and tactics. They can get away with it as long as the mainstream media and Hollywood and most of Big Tech and Big Pharma are on their side. What baffles me is how they can live with themselves as chronic promoters of lies and deception. They must have enormous insecurity with their jobs and/or finances AND very little to zero belief in God.

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See the Substack post today by John Leake: “People of the Lie” in Courageous Discourse Substack. He references the book by M. Scott Peck, People of the Lie: The Hope for the healing of Human Evil (1983).

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Thanks, Sharyl. You're a Cracker Jack reporter and am glad you're on Substack. Your last three posts are good reminders of how the left tried to paint President Trump as a monster. And so many believe the lies. I hope your articles will be read by those who need to read them.

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Have you read the Epoch Times article of August 20th singing the praises of the DNC convention???

What has happened to these people? All of a sudden they are singing the praises of the most far-left presidential/vice president ticket that has ever existed and expect us, their conservative readership to believe the lies they are promoting about how Biden/Harris have handled the issues effectively??? What the heck? Has George Soros and company bought out the Epoch Times?

I am reading this correctly?

Maybe it's time to cancel my subscription...

I am very disappointed in this opinion piece.

What are your thoughts?

Valerie Rodriguez

"August 20, 2024

The Epoch Times

Day one of the Democratic National Convention kicked off with excitement as delegates and attendees listened to speeches from major lawmakers and leaders from the Democratic Party.

One of the evening’s most anticipated speeches came from Joe Biden, who abruptly exited the presidential race on July 21 before endorsing Kamala Harris as his successor."

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I wish to apologize for my comments concerning The Epoch Times reporting on the DNC. After reviewing this with others I realized that they were reporting purely from a journalist viewpoint, sharing exactly what was said. It was not an opinion piece, it was just straight forward reporting, which is what every good newspaper should do. I over reacted because I was so nauseated by the comments, lies, double-speak and rampant gaslighting of the DNC doing their best to create a fictional version of their ridiculous candidate. I so appreciate Sharyl Attkisson's taking us through the insanity and shining light on the dark subterfuge reiterated by the "leaders" of the Democratic Party.

I love this explanation of the definition of subterfuge...

"The acts or practices of those who deliberately deceive adopting a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape guilt or to gain an end."

In this case, the endgame is the complete destruction of our Republic. The Democratic Party, in addition to the RINO's, are the true enemies of democracy!

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