It was the end of 1999, if memory serves me correctly, andI was forced to live in Santa Fe to have primary physical custody of my son. New medical practices don't make money, so I moonlighted as the Physician of the Santa Fe Jail where the guest of honor was Wen Ho Lee. He was the only inmate who had actually gotten a physical exam.

The medical services available were very poor but the inmates were sicker than sick... some of the sickest people I have ever seen in one place. I wrote to the NGO in charge of medical services and told them of the dangers. For example, the psychiatrist would only show up every two weeks, but I had inmates slamming their bodies against their cell doors hard enough to break bones.

I was told only the psyhiatrist can Rx psych meds... be that as it may I convinced the nurse to get this poor guy lithium and he stopped slaming into the door.

Ok, my story is a little tangental but it is better than talking about how utterly corrupt Federal law enforcement agencies became.

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12/15/24: Excellent story; thank you (it does take a long time before we can recover from such ordeals and think straight about what had happened). If I recall correctly, the NY Times fell for the FBI framing of Wen Lo Lee, and you'd think that that would have stayed in their institution memory (if such a thing exists) but now, how long has it been since NYT has been the favorite go-to place for Lame-Duck Wray And His Blow-Dried Miscreants to leak character-assassinating information to? Kash Patel is going to rip those guys a new southern orifice (and what a joy it will be to witness).

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"There is no public record of anybody being held accountable."

In how many different situations is that statement true? How do we get back to holding "them" accountable?

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Someone once said, “We get the govt we deserve”. We have to demand it but we are occupied by technology and diversion….tools employed by the overlords.

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I always assume the government is lying to me.

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It’s worthwhile connecting to your rich archives of older government misdeeds. Theme: the government keeps doing them because there are no consequences, to them. This is why I have given a large chunk of my time and efforts to bringing accountability to the federal gov’t. through the Convention of States project. Thanks for continuing to shine light, Sharyl!

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And it continues.

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Maybe Vivek is right. The FBI can’t be reformed. It has to be shut down

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I think this may be the best option but just so you know the new leadership(front desk receptionist) will strive to replace the current secret police with the “private” version. Under the guise of smashing the last administrations tyrannical overreach we will be corralled by a more efficient and sophisticated security apparatus courtesy of Palantir and other noble enterprises. It just doesn’t look great.

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Our rotten government. It’s always been. Sheryl knows this all too well.

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I’m exasperated that China may have received information about the W-88 warhead, but it doesn’t surprise me. Do we know for sure that they got this info? How much did they get? And how do we know?

The Chinese have infiltrated our systems so thoroughly that we tend to suspect anyone whose name sounds Chinese. But I believe that many brave Chinese would never help the CCP— even if their families were threatened. And when the wrong person is accused, they must be rubbing their hands with delight!

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Being a devoted Sharyl fan from her earliest days, I remember this story. Yes, FBI and DOJ misconduct is very well documented over generations.

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Corruption has consequences from North Carolina to California.

NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.

Nobody cares until it's their house or family that suffers and still zero such victims do ANYTHING to REFORM America's MOST damaging, horrific plague or prevent more victims.

Congress rewards the corrupt, evil officials & institutions, and media, responsible...NEVER holding any of their pals accountable or EVEN holding a hearing when violent anti-democratic attacks or child abuse are involved (unless the US Gymnastics team offers a photo op the victims are less than human unworthy of empathy)


Ground Zero: North Carolina "The DA Rape, Reformer Lynching State of America" with US DOJ & FBI Partnership


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.


Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC & Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC.

District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI.

This is the same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law," subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional & civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse & sexual violence trauma, engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and deliberate, dehumanizing torment of crime victims (including minors).

Extensive undeniable evidence illustrates US DOJ, FBI, US Attorney for Eastern NC, the corrupt son of a corrupt Governor appointed by a President who LOVES consequence-free Corrupt Political Family Criminality, NC Attorney (soon to be Governor) General Josh Stein & predecessor child rape & DA rapist abettor Gov. Roy Cooper.

The FBI and DOJ along with Congress, State and Local officials, government leaders & personnel in violation of the law and public trust, and bribed media paid with taxpayer dollars to invent purely fictional stories intended to destroy & discredit any “threat” to NC’s pervasive, sadistic, deviant “Culture of Corruption,” together (Fed, State & Local).

The FBI aggressively, criminally, utilizes violence, torture and the corrupt, broken judicial system as evil as the FBI, and officials who are responsible for such evil relish subverting the Rule of Law, legal procedures & Due Process, undermining local democratic government for the corrupt allies of these CORRUPT institutions, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft, and aiding armed violence, brutality, extortion, retaliation, violent, horrific, persistent, criminal, sinister acts resulting in death, or worse, and subjecting innocent victims to a fate worse than death.

Followed by life-ruining attacks on families, businesses, and reputations, using bribery & aid of media, law enforcement, clergy, both major political parties and officials to torture, brutalize, and compel under penalty of death by armed deputies operating as an armed hit squad under the DA and Sheriff.

This pattern has been repeated for decades, but none of the smeared victims has ever committed any crimes prior to or after this collusion to destroy any opponent to corruption and proponent of democracy, justice, law-and-order & public service by the US DOJ and its FBI and relevant divisions in violation of its mission and claimed purpose.

Evidence provided upon request and the US DOJ, FBI & corrupt Biden-Harris appointed US Attorney for Eastern District North Carolina.



Chickens come home to roost eventually…maybe imminently, often years or decades after pervasive, cherished citizen and clergy indifference to corruption, injustice and evil criminal cultural & political values.

Disdain for Christian virtues, Judeo-Christian values, justice, Rule of Law, empathy, Constitutional & civil rights, government & media accountability. Secular shared lack of basic decency, ethics, accountability & empathy, and cheered, rewarded violence targeting anyone courageous enough to fight for public not selfish interests AND OPPOSE corrupt, criminal government, public & community institutional corruption.


Child sexual abuse and lynching rewarded by North Carolina, aided by Federal “partners” US DOJ, FBI, Congress and media, Rapes by DAs and Gov. Roy Cooper, Josh Stein and others, theft and smear campaigns using public funds that could have prevented recent tragedies, promoted justice and fixing a broken justice system, and other benefits in policy.

Citizen preference for persecution, hatred and torture, unspeakable sadism to DESTROY any “threat” to what the FBI called a “Culture of Corruption” has consequences beyond providing laughter for these sins of N.C. and other CORRUPT populations!


Replace the U.S. Dept. of Justice and FBI for being too complicit in corruption, child sexual abuse, habitual government & criminal justice system misconduct with the aid of DOJ & FBI at every level from the top-down.



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They threw out Due Process of Law, Fundamental Fairness, & Constitution.

They withheld Exculpatory Evidence & Testimony of Davenport Police Officer Jonathan Howell.

They Tampered with the Evidence and Jury in Greg’s case (SRCR,..) planting Iowa Supreme Court Justice Waterman’s associate, Mr. Tate FEATHERSTONE, an Insurance Policy Architect/ Executive with Arthur J Gallagher Co., and board member with Tom Waterman (very clearly Conflicted): www.youtube.com/user/kornkobiowa to date all Officials remain Derelict of Duty to Correct or comply with Iowa Tules of Professional Conduct, Rule 32.3.8(h): DUTY TO SEEK REMEDY!

The Federal judges are worse. See KENNETH TENNANT and GREGORY TENNANT vs STATE OF IOWA Inc., et al- RGE

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He just complicated their dilemma by not confessing, they once again needed a patsy. And he invoked the name of God. Gotta love a story with a good ending.

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Wow, you are a dishonest reporter. You only relay a subset of what Keifer said about the polygraph test. The entire report on Wen Ho Lee is here for anyone interested.


If you read it, you will almost certainly conclude Lee was guilty as sin, but the government totally bungled the investigation leading to his plea agreement and release.

As to what else Keifer said to Sharyl Attkisson, here is just a subset:

Mr. Keifer also commented on his CBS appearance:

"I was quoted out of context and I felt it was deliberate. I had numerous telephonic conversations with Attkisson prior to the taped interview. She was fully briefed regarding polygraph procedures. I clearly and fully explained to her several times that the "scores" of the examiners were high on the non-deceptive side, but that subsequent testing and admissions indicated Lee was in fact deceptive. During the course of our conversations she suggested cover up and misconduct of various officials in the matter. Unfortunately, during the taped interview she asked only about the "scores" and did not provide an opportunity for me to clarify. In my opinion this was deliberate, and the piece was manipulated to suggest wrongdoing by the government. Once I saw the piece, I called officials at the Energy Department and the FBI to clarify the matter." /164/

The subcommittee's review of the matter shows that Dr. Lee definitely did not pass the December 23, 1998 exam. The best that anyone other than the initial examiners has been able to justify is an "inconclusive" or "no opinion" rating. It is important that no one has been able to substantiate the "no deception indicated" finding because any other result even a "no opinion"--would have put the investigation on a completely different track. Instead, the government quit looking at Dr. Lee at the precise moment when it should have been looking most intently at his activities.

Shame on you Ms. Attkisson... no wonder an overwhelming majority of the public has absolutely no trust in main stream media.l

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12/14/24: You just self-sabotaged your argument by identifying S.A. as a member of the mainstream media. Your next lark will be identifying Hunter Biden as Trump's vice president-elect. Report back to college and get a refund (nothing took).

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Abscam comes to mind immediately.

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