You're a wonderful warrior and on the side of children.

You could quite possibly save many.

I worried about vaccines but was assured the MMR would be fine for my healthy child, who immediately started stuttering, having screaming fits in his sleep and unable to move his fingers correctly.

Unbelievable how many people make it a coincidence.

Thank you for the truth.

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Way to go! Your investigative journalism is so valuable and appropriated. I hope your subscription base will expand as your voice is so important.

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Sent a copy of your book to a relative who's a medical professional who thinks HPV vaccine don't cause problems, boosters were safe. She's done some study paid for by Big Pharma. Hope book helps as she's a caring person but learned from pharma-written text books.

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In the 70's I worked for the state agency that adjudicated Social Security disability claims. FYI, each state has such an agency, SSA does not decide the claim, they determine eligibility and administer it after approval.

The Merck Manual was our primary reference material. I bet it still is.

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