I understand that Ms. Cheatle was on either Mr. or Mrs. Biden's Secret Service detail when Joe was VP. So Cheadle got her job for one of two reasons: she and Jill are gal pals, or as a belated payment for having to guard Joe Biden as he swam and exercised naked at the Naval Observatory. It certainly was not because of her protective expertise or management skill.

Sorry for the snark, but this shambles requires responsibility and accountability, which neither Ms. Cheatle or her superior, Mr. Mayorkas seem able to supply. Heads should roll but likely will not. I am outraged.

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Sharyl: No doubt about it: This was a plot. Crooks was involved with some really “deep underground people” operating off the grid. Best way I can describe it is “Treadstone” from those Jason Bourne movies. But it’s more likely that Crooks and this syndicate are a private enterprise with untraceable government “connections”.

That means there’s others. Right under our noses but they don’t look anything like Jason Bourne. They operate off the grid and they don’t leave fingerprints. The only shit the FBI is going to find wrt this plot is what they are supposed to find ie “dummy leads” like Home Depot receipts for a ladder, a transmitter of some sort, a wiped cell phone, a wiped laptop, and other worthless crap meant to keep them running in circles.

The tradecraft I’m detecting here is off the charts insane.

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Sadly, this is how things are in DC. When something like this happens no one is held accountable. She's inept and should step down or be fired if she won't.

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BTW, how badly would it have gone if they hadn't "beefed up security due to an Iranian threat"?

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So Cheatle uses her incompetence to demand more taxpayer money to fund more incompetence? They need more "resources"?

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Yes, to me Crooks looks like so many of the rest of the "bad guys" in various shooting events, a frail looking skinny white boy maladjusted socially with strange parents. Like the "shooters" (according to the authorities) from Sandy Hook to Parkland to San Bernardino, they all come across as MKUltra candidates to me.

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