It's amazing the power the media and the establishment have to mislead people. People will ignore the data showing the damage and the reasons for it, yet will continue to follow their "trusted authorities" and the media.

Good article. Thanks Sharyl.

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Yes, we humans seem to be inherently "lazy". Or perhaps too busy with other things.

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Just this morning, on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Host Kristen Welker repeatedly interrupted a guest with the line, “just to be clear, there’s no evidence vaccines cause autism.” I guess you can make such an assertion when the alleged lack of evidence takes the form of government and pharma-paid researchers reaching the conclusions they’ve been told to reach

I wonder how many hundreds of millions of dollars NBC has received for drug commercials.

And, how non-surprising that a shill like Welker would dutifully recite the company/party obfuscations like a good little soldier

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Refusing vaccines is the side with more death

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Links to evidence, please? You claim to be all about the evidence.

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I just read MSNBC gets in the area of $14M + per Quarter from Big Pharma. CNN and others, get more. Again, per Quarter.

Here's How Much Ad Revenue the Cable Networks Bring in From ... - Adweek

Of these Top 15 brands by network, Fox News came out on top in Q1 with $30.83 million; CNN was next with $25.86 million; and MSNBC followed with $14.21 million.

Haven't vetted beyond this!

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Not only is there no evdence vaccines cause autism there's great evidence that they don't

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So how do you explain 83 cases of vaccine-induced seizures and resulting brain damage that the US government quietly conceded and compensated -- where all the children involved were healthy and normally-developing until they received the vaccines that triggered developmental regression and behaviors that ended up being diagnosed as autism? Read about them here: https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1681&context=pelr

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Ryan's a troll. He likes to go about sowing confusion.

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Whether he's a troll or a bot, or just a really, really horrible person, he's giving us a great opportunity to post the facts that easily refute everything he says -- and show every reader just how terribly wrong he is.

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Thanks Alison, and if I may say, keep up the good work.

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Let's see ANY evidence for your position

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You've not, and I can't stress this enough, posted facts to show me wrong

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Facts.. I like to go about sowing facts.

Like the fact that vaccines don't cause autism


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Fundamental flaws in the Luke Taylor meta-analysis you cited:

1) It considered studies looking either at only ONE vaccine, MMR, (out of 18, most of which are given 3 or 4 times before the child ever receives the MMR) or at ONE chemical additive (that is no longer in any of the official pediatric vaccines, but IS in some formulations of flu shots).

Then it concluded "vaccines are not associated," which is exactly like looking at, say, Prilosec and Pepcid and then concluding "pills are not associated with stomach upset."

2) None of the studies analyzed included children who received zero vaccines. This is like studying various groups of smokers, with no control group of non-smokers to see if smoking causes cancer. (It's what we call "tobacco science.")

3 years later, a study was published that avoided the flaws in Taylor's study, and also thoroughly refuted Taylor's "findings." See https://www.oatext.com/Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-6-to-12-year-old-U-S-children.php#Article

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They looked at every vaccine. Show otherwise

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So vaccines can and do cause seizures, sometimes resulting in brain damage that just happens to come with features of ... autism. See https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1681&context=pelr. Ok, Ryan, go ahead and explain to us exactly how those vaccine-induced brain damage cases occurred, and how they're not related to autism.

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Nope. Febrile seizures aren't autism and happen from viruses MUCH more often than vaccines. https://www.autismspeaks.org/expert-opinion/febrile-seizures-epilepsy-and-autism-your-questions-answered

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Vaccines are 100% known (no one debates) to cause neurological disorders. That article states flatly that "autism-like symptoms" are often the case, rather than diagnosed autism (Poling case notwithstanding). In other cases, it's also a well-known phenomenon that up to half of autism cases are misdiagnosed. I bet there are some for sure.

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@Kelly Green, the thing is, autism is diagnosed ONLY by behavioral symptoms. There is no scan, no blood test, no truly objective way to quantify issues that are specific to autism and not to recognized forms of brain damage.

I agree with you, if we know that seizure-induced brain damage is the real issue for some of these children, then that should be their diagnosis, not "autism."

If we're going to use the term "autism," it should be used to describe only people with specific behavioral symptoms where ALL known possible causes of brain damage have been ruled out.

So perhaps the real problem here is that across the medical community, the term "autism" is ALWAYS used as the defining spectrum, rather than something like "neurodysregulation," which could include both autism and known brain damage.

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You are on to something when it comes to the vaccine injury compensation program. They will basically automatically decline payment if the injury is referred to as autism outright but will pay if it called something else. I forget what the alternate diagnosis is called but I read this in an article awhile back. The word autism is a third rail word and is best avoided if one wants to get compensated.

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Because there is no association of vaccines with autism.

At all

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The claim was that seizure induced brain damage was the proper diagnosis.

this is not backed by science.

Vaccines don't cause more febrile seizures than the diseases they protect against.

Vaccines reduce the rates of febrile seizures.


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Nope. Show any evidence of this.

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Can you be more specific about what you want to see evidence of, as there are four sentences containing three different statements of fact you might be referring to.

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That the article states "autism-like symptoms" rather than "autism" can be confirmed by reading the article.

QED - all three testable statements of fact. enjoy your life!

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Pick your favorite. none of your claims can be supported.

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Febrile seizures aren't autism and are more often caused by viruses

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Don't need to.

If there's no association then it can't cause it.

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Tell Hannah Poling’s family that, “Ryan”. They won Inthink $5 million and another half million a year for Hannah’s care. Her dad is a biologist and her mom is some sort of researcher. They won in court, hands down. So have multitudes if others. Read the article and the links— unless you’re a bot.

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The vaccine court has lower standards of evidence than normal court.

Them winning doesn't mean vaccines have been proven to cause autism

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First of all, it's not a court at all. It's a government compensation program, set up in 1986 because it was admitted at the time that vaccines were causing some children to suffer terrible seizures with resulting brain damage.

Secondly, it turns out that, even though the system was SUPPOSED to assume that cases with preponderance of evidence should be swiftly and generously compensated, that's not the case. In fact, what it turned into was a kangaroo court, where [highly paid] government lawyers defend a government vaccination program using government science.

The end result: families of vaccine-injured children are abandoned by the government that had promised in 1986 to provide a safety net for them.

Read about it here: https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2015/07/vaccine-court-engstrom-070615

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Heard of Wm Thompson?

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He paints kind of boring landscapes

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Kristen Welker is an anagram of 'Erl skew tinker'. Perhaps she was programmed to twist things. :)

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I am an eyewitness to the exact time after the mmr damage incurred on my grandson. Will not get any vax anymore and strongly urge anyone that will listen not to either.

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Can you say more? What happened? Was your grandson getting many vaccines at that time? Was he otherwise ill at all?

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My grandson is the epitome of a happy, healthy (under the circumstances) and active nine year old.

Back story: my daughter has autoimmune diseases, Sjogren's syndrome, "kidney disease", Raynaud's phenomenon and rheumatoid arthritis. She had these conditions before she became pregnant. What no one tells you when you have Sjogren's are of the complications that are high risk to the mother and the child.

She became pregnant, father is out of the picture, and confirmed that she wanted to keep the baby. Me, being pro-life, couldn't have been prouder. I would help any way I could.

About at the end of the first trimester, doctors diagnosed the child had a condition called heart block. I'd never heard of it. Had to do a lot of research. All along, she wanted this baby. The doctors kept urging her to abort. She said no. As time went on, the doctors continued to push for abortion. She held her guns.

Heart block is a condition where the fetus heartbeat is low. 40 bpm in-utero. The doctors knew this was a high risk pregnancy so they prepared. At 34 weeks, they scheduled her to deliver at Baptist Memorial in Miami. When he was born, just 2.5 hours old, they airlifted him to Miami Children's Hospital. A six mile drive that normally takes 45 minutes. Once at Miami Children's, they cracked his chest and installed a pacemaker. He was in NICU for 87 days, intubated, extubated four times.

When they came home, we tried to make it as comfortable as possible. They settled in.

Fast forward to his "well-care" one year. He was babbling, drunkenly walking and curious about everything. Laughing, crying getting into stuff. She brought him in for the "wellness" visit. He got the mmr at that visit.

Keep in mind that we were ignorant of vax injury at that time and thought we were being good guardians.

The third day after the vax he stopped being curious, stopped attempting to speak, stopped making eye contact. Showing all the classic symptoms plus absolutely nonverbal. In the same time frame, he was diagnosed with Trisomy 15. Another one I had never heard of. Had to do a lot more research.

Bottom line is, there's no doubt in my mind that the mmr damaged him in less than three days and it was black and white. He's still nonverbal so she can't leave him with anyone. She cannot work and stays home with him almost every day (I try to give her some time with her friends) He goes to therapy three times a week.

We've handled it all in stride. And otherwise, he's healthy. He'll never go to school or be a productive member of society but I believe he is a gift from God and has a great pupurpose. I hope this has answered some of your questions.

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The media would rather go down in flames than admit vaccines maim & kill.

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Thank you for this well-informed and comprehensive overview. I had not realized that children with tubular sclerosis were particularly vulnerable – – it explains a lot about a close relative.

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this makes me sick to my stomach - I can't imagine how parents of autistic children feel

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Hi. Mother of two boys. Both are diagnosed autistic! This makes me extremely upset. I love my kids and I always will but i would do anything to help prevent them from the struggles they are going to live with their whole life. This is just unacceptable.

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Pls detox asap, and WELL! JBX (google it) and bentonite clay among other things, have truly helped a lot of these kids.

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Remember when they used to blame the mothers? Bruno Bettleheim. The mothers were too cold and controlling.

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But thankfully, at the time there was also Dr Robert Mendelsohn who told the truth that the unvaxxed kids were far healthier and to avoid them altogether. My Mom took his advice.

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What about the kids that died of a preventable disease? I guess he’s referring to those that survived.

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The rise in autism correlates with the increase in vaccine uptake in children. Correlation does not prove causation, but.........

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Correlation does not DISprove connection, either. Correlation is the most obvious indicator for focused investigation.

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The initial rise does at a population level. But at a state level, it didn't match well. And more tellingly, the vaccine schedule has been in place for how many decades now, roughly 3-4, while autism rates have quadrupled in that time.

Vaccines, in particular, thimerosal in the past and live rubella still today, may directly cause autism in some cases, but there is another hypothesis as to what is driving the continued rise - greater and greater use of tylenol by more and more mothers during pregnancy (and in infants). Strong correlation that no one denies to ADHD and autism rates.

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The vax schedule has not at all

remained stat for the last 3-4 decades. It has grown substantially. It is beyond bloated.

I had 4-5 vax. My 3 kids had maybe double that, then they added gardisil 1 (now discontinued in the US, because it was safe and effective—- till it wasn’t, and began causing early menopause in 12 yr olds!) then they added more and more, RSV and covid being the latest. Somewhere in there, they added synthetic vitamin K, a bullshit shot if there was one, AND HepB both of which are given within moments of birth. AWFUL, but YES Tylenol IS widely associated with exacerbating ill effects of vaccines. Never, EVER use it.

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Exactly. But… how many times do we need to hear thunder and see lightening shortly thereafter before we begin to associate the 2.

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Actually, a PHD in psychology explained to me that since they changed the definition and parameters in the DSM guide for classifying a person as being on the spectrum, there has been a significant rise in those being labeled with the disorder. That is fact.

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As vaccines contain toxic substances (they have to to creat the euphemistically called immunue response) it is is a no-brainer that brain damage is likely.


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Thank you Sharyl for all the work you have done to expose the lies.

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Yes, the mechanism of Autism caused by late term jabbing of the mother is very well known


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"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" tells you more than most media outlets ever will.

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Thank you for continuing to report on this. Sheryl, how come the baby boomers didn’t have these problems? Did the vaccine formulae change? Or is the issue with newer vaccines introduced in more recent generations?

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One obvious reason is the cumulative effect of vaccines was much less of a problem.

This from chop.edu site:

Late 1960s | Recommended Vaccines





Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

The 1970s — vaccine success

During the 1970s, one vaccine was eliminated. Because of successful eradication efforts, the smallpox vaccine was no longer recommended for use after 1972. While vaccine research continued, new vaccines were not introduced during the 1970s.

Late 1970s | Recommended Vaccines




Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

There are tables showing the difference in the number of vaccines required by age for certain year ranges, and they are astounding. (Sorry I've no time to look for any of these tables at the moment.)

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Cumulative effect can be a problems, but individual vaccines can also cause problems for some individuals. The safety of the Pertussis vaccine has been questioned for a long time, and much early research documents the problems.The book "A Shot in the Dark" gives background on this. I did not suspect vaccines as a cause of my son's disabilities until I read this book. We have been mislead for a very long time.

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Plus the combination of vax ingredients and Tylenol administered concurrently. And glyphosate on food.

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I agree re individual vaccines. The Turtles book gets into this. But the cumulative effect of unproven/unsafe vaccines seems to be even worse.

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Yes, and how early

they get them. Loads of other countries have backed off in both the number AND the early age and they have seen improvements in overall child health.

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Not all vaccines are created equal. All are bad, some are worse than others.

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One reason, they keep lowering the age and as per this mom and confirmed by the package inserts, it is the R in the MMR, live Rubella, that attacks the brain. Her son got his first one at 19 months in 2013 and NOW it has been lowered to 12 months and given 4 times by age 4 -6! The closer they get to the size of a first trimester baby in the belly, the more likely it will cause "intellectual disabilities". https://www.deseret.com/2013/5/23/20452608/mmr-vaccine-caused-my-son-s-autism/ https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-schedules/child-easyread.html

mmr package insert: "If rubella infection occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy, it can result in severe congenital defects, Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). Congenital Rubella Syndrome in the infant includes, but is not limited to, eye manifestations (cataracts, glaucoma, retinitis), congenital heart defects, hearing loss, microcephaly, and intellectual disabilities." https://www.fda.gov/media/75191/download

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We have family

friends who just had their baby girl diagnosed with deafness. She is 8 months old. I know it was vaccines as she had just gotten a round, maybe 2 weeks prior to them beginning to suspect, but they are militant abt not listening.

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I am so very sorry. It could be from the Hep B given at 8 months as per the package insert on the FDA website "Ear and Labyrinth Disorders

Earache, tinnitus, vertigo." https://www.fda.gov/media/119403/download https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-schedules/child-easyread.html It is so sad people do not realize they love their News that lies to them more than their children...

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Very helpful and thank you.

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Sharyl, you are amazing in your preserverence. We will prevail over the monies interests who are proving more psychopathic by the day.

And to all reading this, Sharyls books should be required reading.

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The cause of autism has to be found and the investigation has to go wherever it goes. Too many cases and increasing every year. We are just supposed to accept that fact?

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Many of the autism cases I read about traced back to mishandled vaccines. When what’s in the syringe is degraded and NOT vaccine, anything can happen. With so many doses of vaccine pushed at modern kids the opportunity for getting stuck with a dose that is no longer vaccine is much increased.

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Greatly read, Love the audiobook

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The problem is they pretend it's a conspiracy theory and they run it thru the media and then they polish it with high production value and then they bring in the so called "experts" to debunk it. Also, ppl don't want to believe they gave their children a shot that may have given them autism. Robert DeNiro removed a controversial film about the link between vaccines and autism in 2016 from the lineup of his Tribeca Film Festival after tremendous backlash on social media. This is the power Big Pharma has. It's an uphill battle but hopefully RFKJ will get in there and do some clean up. Also ppl like you continuing to talk about this issue is so very important. I am trying to spread the word too. Thanks for all you do Sharyl! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Like he did in Samoa?

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