It makes me ask "what's the point"? Of the FBI, of information sharing,.or not sharing. Do we go full on " Minority Report" as our solution? I took the FBI disclosure as another pass the buck moment; we IDed this kid, passed the information on him on to the locals, and look what happened. But hey, we arrested 7 Jan 6ers last week and we aren't done! And, Trump... And the Russians...

I sincerely mourn the loss of innocent lives. But my disgust with all things FBI knows no bounds.

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09/08/24: Ah, but Mr. Wray's wavy hair (permed!) absolves the FBI of all of its sins of sloth and indolence. Reminder: Do subpoena him once again so he can once again sneer at the congressmen and senators he's got over a barrel while solemnly "testifying." And so it goes.

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Seems the alphabet agencies are spending more time investigating pro-lifers, J6ers, protesting parents at school board meetings and Catholics. Not surprised reading the mistakes Sharyl has pointed out in her reporting.

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Good analysis Sharyl, as always. Several of the cases you mentioned were inside jobs. Fort Hood's details are highly irregular, San Bernardino had witness testimony showing the narrative to be false. Ditto the Pulse event, where the presumed shooter lived here in Fort Pierce. A young friend of mine was actually at the Pulse when it happened. Boston Bombing narrative was full of holes with numerous play actors like others. Parkland in Fort Lauderdale narrative full of holes. Whether the FBI facilitated those events remains to be seen, but it's clear somebody on the inside was involved.

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Has lowering of standards for joining the FBI taken place over the years? Does anyone know? Lowering of mental standards can lead to these kinds of issues where threats aren't comprehended and other issues concerning poor job performance occur.

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"Hoekstra says he doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that 9 of the 13 FBI misses involve Muslim attackers"

& yet we let these future Muslim terrorists ,protest on our streets & in our university's

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Another great piece. It is amazing how Mainstream Media ignores important stories that in the past any journalist would want to research and be the first to report. Today's journalists are activists, trained at our universities. They preach free speech but support censorship of what they disagree with. True journalism no longer exists in mainstream. Luckily folks like you are taking the reins to get the truth out to the public. Keep up the good work.

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