The American Independence Party

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I made up my “own” party in 2016… I call it “ The Common Sensicrats “!!! Because that is what is needed!!

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Yes I feel it. Just listened to Tucker’s most important interview with Mike Benz. Riveting. The only thing is Freedom of a speech on the Internet and why deep dive France arrested Pavel . Explains in a way this 75 year old retired lawyer has never heard what the deep state truly consists of in a frightening portrait of the counter to every belief you have listed Sharyl. The bookend to Shane Ryan’s interview of Kash.

Your opinion lays out the counterpoint to the worldwide effort to rid the world of democracy as we know and understand it.

It’s the institutions vs. the People moving to populist or people power .

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By the way I’m unable to type well suffered some autoimmune thing in May. Thx for overlooking the typos.on the mend 💪 Grabdma

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Thanks for a great article and agree, it is happening. I called it an "eyes wide open" movement although not a great name for a party! Was going to suggests the Constitution Party but that already has been tagged to the "far right". Perhaps The Freedom Alliance?

"As usual, we were told to ignore our lying eyes.

Luckily, not everyone has obeyed that command. An eyes wide open movement is expanding rapidly. We are a collection of republicans, conservatives, libertarians, disillusioned democrats, swing voters, you name it. We are sick of the massive nationwide con jobs, the incessant lies, and people’s blind acceptance of them. We have had enough of critical race theory, queer theory and all its friends. Among many other things, we want secure borders and a sensible immigration policy that attracts the best and brightest. We want fiscal responsibility and an administration that understands economics. We want to crush the censorship industrial complex and bolster our national security with common sense energy and foreign policy that respects our environment. We feel the country has shifted away from “by the people and for the people” to “by the elites and $*#@ the people”.

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Here in Canada ,we're calling it the "Common Sense" party

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Are we talking about this movement?


Sept 29th in Washington DC!

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Thanks for sharing. Was unaware and live close by!

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It will take time for this coalition of interesting bedfellows to gel and build a cohesive network of followers before it can—or should—be categorized or organized into a "party." If Republicans are smart, they will provide them with the home they want.

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Too many RINOS. Clean break.

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The Liberty Party

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Good summary. You are on point that a new party is coalescing with people that are fed up with the globalists trying to remake the world and that is exactly what we are seeing with this Administration. I think the new party could be called The Unity Party for Americans or something similar. I like Conservative Party but that might scare some away although that is what the Unity Party is. These are believers in our country and morals of the past, not progressive policies that the silent majority will not support. But the key factor is our corrupt media that is not independent but an arm of the progressives and they are blind to the truth. Lots of good info in this article.

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This is what I wrote in your last article.....There is a movement afoot. It's coming and it is born by what this article is capturing. RFK jr. is all over this, as wel as many others. Critial mass is what I beleive it is called.

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America First

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