Sharyl, my brother born 1964 was diagnosed with hyperactivity (ADHD) and was placed on Ritalin and told my parents not to give him any foods/ drinks with red food dye. My mom would make up this concentrated drink mix called Hawaiian Punch… she stopped using it when doctors said it contributed to his hyperactivity. That was 60 years ago… so they have known for years about the ADHD… who knows what else. Our logical fallacy is assuming the FDA is an entity that has our best interest at heart and is there to prevent dangerous chemicals being in our foods or drugs. Apparently this is not the case…

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I am from the UK but I don't think the FDA has ever reaaly been about helping the USA's health, only the wealth of certain people. That is, it has your hearts at best interest, paid to profit the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

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Sharyl - something you might want to consider doing a story on.

I was on a Zoom call yesterday. Dr. Teresa Long (Lt. Col. Army) said that when military members were found dead in their beds after the Covid shots rolled out, they were reported as suicides.

She also said our military is in serious jeopardy.

I can send you the recording of this Zoom call if you'd like. Dr. Peter McCullough was in attendance as well as members of our military that are Covid vax injured.

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Unfathomable that it took this long to ban it.

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Why not red dye #40 ? It's made with benzene, a known cancer causing agent and can cause a life threatening anaphilactic shock. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, a lot of candy is red and people, especially kids, will be loading up on this poison.

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A lot of pharamceuticals are based around benzene I gather. 'pharamceuticals' is an anagram of 'uh as malpractice', with 'malpractice' as the single longest word after 'pharmaceutical' and pharmaceutic'. Says it all about the industry and those who support it.

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In the USA, food additives are allowed until proven unsafe, which is the opposite of what takes place in other 1st world countries, but politics trumps everything. For example, Aspartame was rejected as a sweetener. So Rumsfled, then the CEO of Serle, put in Arthrt Hull Hayes Jr as FDA Commiss. His purpose was to override the FDA's own Scientific Advisor Board, which he did and Aspartame was approved despite being a know carcinogen.

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On a practical note, I wonder what value there is in an artificial red dye, when beet juice seems equally effective.

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Here was RFK Jr on Yellow Dye #5, or tartrazine. No more "yeah, yeah" (from me). This is actually pretty interesting.


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A bit of a tempest in a teapot. It’s great that their use was banned but does anything think this will be anymore effective at reducing “ cancer “ rates than banning plastic straws and plastic shopping bags has been in saving turtles?

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Red Dye is just the tip of the iceberg, the FDA needs to ban all dyes! Each has negative side effects. Also, pesticides, insecticides that we are eating in our food...also banned in European countries. They want their citizens healthy, our country wants us sick.

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i questioned everything going onto supermarket shelves, wondering how healthy the explosion of snacks and sodas could possibly be for us….

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